Fox’s Pizza Den
Fox’s Pizza Den is a pizzeria chain based in Murrysville, Pennsylvania, United States.
Corporate Phone Number
(724) 266-3630
Customer Support Phone Number
Headquartered Address
4425 William Penn Hwy, Murrysville,
PA 15668, USA
This website provides the most important contact information about the Corporate Offices & Headquarters including Fox’s Pizza Den Address, Corporate Number, and more.
Kennedy Mike
I’m Mike
I live in Roaring Spring Pa.16673
Our new den is not providing a quality product.
Pizza is not up to Foxs standards, wrong and too much cheese, crust isn’t of standards, sauce is lacking flavor,
I often order a pie, with bacon and sausage!
Sausage sometimes is not thoroughly cooked, making enter pie not at all tasty, combine that with too much cheese, hardly any sauce!
I’ve complained before to the management, I’ve just now ordered said pie, it’s awful , along with a taco wedge for th first and last time, it is so soggy , terrible.
This was a home delivery.
The otiginak Foxs Den in Martinsburgh Pa 16662 was a betteymanagedestablishment.