BluePearl Pet Hospital
Mars, Incorporated owns BluePearl Specialist and Emergency Pet Hospital, which offers speciality and emergency veterinary hospitals across the United States.
Pet care
Corporate Phone Number
1 813-933-8944
Customer Support Phone Number
1 813-933-8944
Headquartered Address
2950 Busch Lake Blvd. Tampa,
FL 33614
This website is built to provide the most essential contact information about the Corporate Offices & Headquarters including BluePearl Pet Hospital Address, Corporate Number, and more.
INERD you to contact me.
I’ve had a very nasty experience in one of your hospitals. I was charged a great deal of money and my dog still has no medication for his autoimmune disease!
I scared and so angry. The Dr. would not hear my issues AT ALL!
That has resulted in my not being able to afford to treat my dog!
I didn’t come to you to have my animal diagnosed only to not be able to afford to treat him,
He was doing fine on the meds given him by the vets previous to my having seen her!
Now we have nothing and Mio is getting sicker and I
have no more means to have another opinion.
Please do the right thing by us. It would be very simple and grately appreciatedd.
Sandra Hanes